Friday, March 20, 2009

A New Search Engine? Can anyone make sense of this?

I just don't know what to make of this new search engine from Financial Times called Newssift, a new business-oriented search engine. The beta is at

I read the stories and press release and I TRIED to use the beta site but it is way too complicated to parse out. They are trying to add value to business searches, but I think they have way overthought the problem. They are forcing users to navigate through the FT's own view of what a hierarchical path of information needs might be, instead of allowing the user to define his or her own path with their search string.

But after reading that sentence, the flaw seems so absurdly obvious that it is hard for me to believe it is possible. I keep thinking I'm missing something, but so far I haven't found it. What do you guys think? 

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