Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Mutitasking Makes You Stupid

But boy, is Second Life compelling. So I just logged off of a meeting at Dobbs Island in SL, and I happen to be sitting in a hotel ballroom in Chicago at American Business Media's Top Management Meeting. I didn't want to miss either meeting, so I logged in from the meeting room. The meeting in RL probably contained more important content for me at this moment in time, but the meeting in SL commanded more of my attention.

I'm not sure I understand why. About halfway through I realized the RL content was more important, but every time a new line popped into my SL chat window I had to read it. And forget what you think about multitasking, you really can't process two steams of info like these simultaneously.

Now, of course, I am compelled to write this post instead of pay attention to the very end of that RL panel! :-)

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